//my cosy space of thots//
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Even the cat is fearful bout its growing years, so i guess my melancholy is justifiable.

Then again, the fear is more than just the age, but what presents i may possibly get as well..

Too late to promulgate my wish list. shit.

escorted; - 10:01 PM;

Friday, February 22, 2008

the Wrath of Nature

the Wrath of Human

Not trying to evoke some environmental consciousness, but just illustrating why we shouldn't really complain every time when mother nature hit it upon us. should we?

Revenge is sweet. (n disastrous)

+"A Mei- Shei Ai Wo"+

escorted; - 12:04 AM;

Thursday, February 14, 2008

they say everyday is a valentine's if there's love in every couple.
i say there won't be a need for a day like this if that's really the case.

till death do us together

wish every couple out there a happi v. day!

oh. & to the choco shops as well. ^^

escorted; - 11:50 PM;

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


社会所产生的主流意识 ,是为了什么?
(Reasons for Mainstream Thoughts in Society)

-> 是为了借由少数的不同突显社会主流那无可取代的权威?
-> 还是让异于主流思想的少数去

经济历史角度去检视这问题,‘社会’的存在,引导着我们绝大部分命运的路途。生 活在‘社会’中的人类,是生活在根据集体意志(Collective Will) 所形成的圈子当中。所有一举一动都是被周围的道德观 (Moral Value) 所创建起的游戏规则规范,批判,甚至封锁着。个别自由意志在和群体的抗争下,全军覆没。然而这些所谓的‘道德’,不过是社会多数眼中的对与错 (Right & Wrong in the Eyes of the Majority) 有谁在800年前会在乎为他们所虔信的神杀人是否正确?有谁在2个世纪前会认为施行奴役制度是违反人道的?而随后我们却加以否定,不是因为我们后来明白杀人或雇佣奴役是错的,而是社会多数的观念变了,不然在现今社会,违背伦理道德的一夜情分子不就得被抓进铁窗,未婚先子的少女不就得丢进加冷河浸猪笼?

衡量的方法并非普世道德观念(Universal Morality)形成的方法。 那这方法是什么?应是透过人道主义(Humanism) 中的对与错,是以每个人本身所应有的基本权利所判断出的对与错。好比说杀人是错的,因为它夺走那人跟我们一样所活下去的自由。即使如果杀那人能够解救其他 人,这也不是普世道德观念所承认的,这纯粹只是跟随在务实主义 (Pragmatism)身后的影子里考量。而对于社会眼中的那些错,成为社会的少数时,可选择的情形为二:


明 显的是,后者往往成为社会洗礼下的牺牲者。基督异教徒,犹太人,同性恋,黑人,理想主义者,只要你不符合我当下社会所接受的观念,我们就必须改造你, 必要时会加以迫害,免得你祸及其他人。为什么?因为这就是社会。虽然它会随时代改变而改变,但人的本性不受时间影响, 是不变的事实。(Human Nature is Independent of Time)


概括地奠定我们一生的命运蓝图,重要的是结局的剧本还是得由我们来完成。值得考虑的是,当你的人生已无比坎坷,而你又身为社会的逆流一群时,你会随着周围的步伐改变自己?还是开拓那属于真实的你 的荆棘小路?



长江七号不是很好看。(CJ 7 not very nice)

+"戴爱玲- 爱了就知道"+

escorted; - 2:37 AM;

The Facade.

Who, Me?
A fun-loving person
An occasional sentimentalist;
Simple but haphazard
Trust others easily
so be a good friend for me,
or an adroit liar at the very least
Treat mi with whatever fits ur desire,
And receive the same, u shall without denial
Smile, cause believe it or not
this is't ur typical reality,
this is my obstinate chaos.
Ur Mourns.

Hear My Inferno.
Other Dimensions
Boon Han
Chang Sheng
De Shun
Ke Jun
Liu Yun
Miao Yu
Min Hui
Si Min
Si Ying
Wei Shi
Xiao Tai Zi
Yu Zhi

Resurrect the Past.
May 2007; June 2007; July 2007; August 2007; September 2007; October 2007; November 2007; December 2007; January 2008; February 2008; March 2008; April 2008; May 2008; June 2008; July 2008; August 2008; October 2008; November 2008; December 2008; January 2009; March 2009; April 2009; May 2009; July 2009; August 2009; September 2009; October 2009; November 2009; December 2009; January 2010; March 2010; May 2010; November 2010;